
Schieffer on Katrina: Hezbollah more efficient than Bush admin

Posted by David DeGraw at 1:07 PM on August 27, 2006.

On Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer rips the Bush administration by suggesting that Hezbollah's effort to help war victims is more effective than Bush's ability to help Katrina victims.


"Arrogance is galling enough, but it was the next story by [CBS news correspondent] Allen Pizzey that really set me off. He reported that Hezbollah agents are on the streets of Southern Lebanon handing out U.S. dollars to people whose homes were bombed out.
One year after Katrina and we can't figure out how to get money to people who lost their homes in New Orleans, we're still not sure if it can survive another hurricane but a terrorist group has figured out how to get American money to the homeless in Lebanon?
Talk about threats to national security – how about government so big, so complicated and so unmanageable, it can't get out of its own way?
That's what scares me."

David DeGraw is AlterNet's video blogger.

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